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Notice to CAA Members in Ottawa: we’re making it easier to get travel advice, insurance coverage, and Membership services by combining our resources and merging CAA Hunt Club with CAA Nepean effective Apr. 15, 2024. Click here for more details.

Share a CAA Travel Story for a Chance to Win!

CAA Travel has been helping CAA Members and members of the public from our wonderful region of North and East Ontario to explore the world for more than 60 years! During that 60 years, we've helped plan a lot of trips both near and far, protected countless travellers with travel insurance, booked car rentals for many kilometers driven, hotel stays for many restful nights, and so much more. As we reflect on our experiences over the last 60 years, we'd love to hear some of your CAA Travel stories from that time as well. Want to share your experience?

Share a CAA Travel story with us, telling us how we've helped you or about a trip planned with us, and you could win one of three $100 Ultimate Dining Gift Cards!* Here's how to enter:

1) Fill in the submission form below with your contact information and story

2) Click submit to be entered for your chance to win, one entry per person

3) Winners will be selected on/after Jan. 4, 2022

*By submitting, I consent to the publication of my written testimonial as part of CAA North & East Ontario’s (CAANEO) promotional material. CAANEO reserves the right to edit the testimonial for grammar and clarity. I understand that the promotional material will be distributed to CAA Members and to the public at large. I understand and agree that I will not receive any compensation for such publication. Further, I understand and agree that CAANEO may continue to distribute promotional material which bears my name and/or personal written statement until it has exhausted its inventory of promotional material.

*Terms and conditions apply. Please read rules and regulations for full contest details.